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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Developement Project Management stages and details

Project Start-up

Software Development Process Flow – Project Start-up
The Project Start-up step incorporates the following stages:
Entry Criteria
The Development Agreement/Proposal is received.
Software estimation
Project Initiation and preparation/update
Project Management Plan (PMP)
Inspection of PMP
Phase-end Review
Validation and Verification
Approved Project Budget Sheet
Reviewed PMP
Project details made available using the Time Sheet System
Exit Criteria
Approval and release of Project Management Plan
Approved Project Budget Sheet
Phase Deliverables
Approval and release of Project Management Plan

Software Development Process Flow – Requirement Analysis
This step incorporates the following stages:
Entry Criteria
The Project Management Plan is made available to the client.
Prepare Software Requirements Specifications (SRS).
Define Acceptance Criteria & prepare Acceptance Plan.
Provide the Phase-end Review.
Inspect the Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) Document.
Validation and Verification
In this stage, the SRS is completely reviewed and fine-tuned according to client requirements.
Exit Criteria
In this stage, the agreed SRS is made available to the client along with the Acceptance Plan.
Phase Deliverables
Software Development Process Flow – High-level Design
This step incorporates the following stages:
Entry Criteria
Agreed Software Requirement Specifications are available.
Project Management Plan is available.
Prepare High-level Design (HLD).
Examine the HLD.
Initiate the Phase-end Review.
Validation and Verification
Review of High-level Design is validated, verified, and incorporated.
Exit Criteria
High-level Design documentation is made available.
Phase Deliverables
High-level Design document is delivered to the client with all feedbacks effectively incorporated.
Software Development Process Flow – Low-level Design
This step incorporates the following stages:
Entry Criteria
Project Management Plan is available.
HLD document is available.
Prepare Program Specifications.
Provide a Structured Walk through.
Prepare the Test Plan and Test Cases.
Provide a Structured Walk through the Phase-end Review.
Validation and Verification
Review Test Plan.
Review Program Specification.
Review Unit Test Cases.
Review Functional Test Cases.
Review Acceptance Test Cases.
Exit Criteria
Program Specifications are released.
Unit Test Cases are released.
Functional Test Cases are released.
Acceptance Test Cases are released.
Phase Deliverables
Program Specifications
Unit Test Cases and Test Data
Functional Test Cases and Test Data

Software Development Process Flow – Testing
This step incorporates the following stages:
Entry Criteria
Project Management Plan is available.
Successfully Unit Tested Code is available.
High Level Design, Low Level Design, and Unit Test Cases are available.
Conduct testing.
Prepare user documents.
Inspection of user documents.
Provide Phase-end Review.
Validation and Verification
Review functional test results.
Review User Documentation.
Exit Criteria
Tested System is released.
User Documentation is completed.
Phase Deliverables
Test results

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