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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

OBIEE How to get started

 In this “sticky” article I want to give you some basic starting points.
Get familiar with the basic terminology:
Before you start with anything get up to speed with dimensional modelling. 
(Get familiar with the works of Ralph Kimball)
Brush up your modelling capabilities, ADAPT is a good method to start with:
Read up on your Data Warehouse /  BI basics:
Get a clean (virtual) machine and first install an Oracle database. The 10g express version is OK for starters.
Maybe you want to brush up your DB skills:
Next get the latest version of OBIEE
Download the documentation:
If you have everything installed work trough the OBE tutorials on OBIEE.
Don’t not only copy the click but be sure you understand what is happening!
Download and install the extended sales sample RPD and CAT. Dissect every report and dashboard to understand how the reports work.
Have a good look around at the OTN forums. Most questions have been asked before.
Read the works of Stephen Few on how to design a good dashboard from the visual standpoint:
Learn to create reports and dashboard which people need, which is often completely different of the reports and dashboard they intentionally asked for…
If your start an 11g project brush-up your weblogic skills:
Configure your OTN account so that you “watch” certain users. Looking around at the forum you soon learn which users give the most valuable answers.
Start following the OBIEE related blogs. At this moment there are about 10 your really need to watch. (Check my blog list).
Must read material:

If you need more practices check out the Oracle Learning Library:
Till Next Time

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