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Friday, October 19, 2012

Oracle Fusion Basic......just for you all

Before we start with what oracle fusion really is and the magic it does let’s familiarize ourselves with the basic terminologies which we may have come across.
Oracle Fusion
An integration of oracle applications such as Business Suite, People soft, JD Edwards, Siebel, Retek, Stellent etc into a set of next generation application based on an open industry standards having based on Service Oriented Architecture is known as Oracle Fusion.
Oracle Fusion Middleware
The technical platform used to build the Oracle Fusion application is termed as Oracle Fusion Technical platform which together forms the Oracle Fusion Middleware.
Oracle Fusion Architecture
The blue print which holds the Oracle Application, middleware platform and grid technology as one entity describes the architecture of Oracle Fusion
The Below outline sketch describes in brief some left out details of Oracle fusion
The abbreviated coined firms are better knows as:
  • OLM: Object Relational Mappers
  • SOA: Service Oriented Architecture
  • XML: eXtensible Markup Language
  • SAML: Security Assertion Markup Language
  • BPEL: Business Process Execution Language
  • JFDP: Java Frameworks and Design Parameters
Let’s have a view of Products which are comprised in Oracle Fusion.
  • JD Developer Top Link & ADF
  • BPEL Process manger, SOA Suite, e-Business Suite
  • Identity Management Suite
  • BI Suite, Web Centre and Oracle Protocol
  • Single Sign ON
  • Grid Control
From the above points, we come across the different aspects of Oracle Fusion both technical and product wise. The whole laying of foundation stone for Oracle fusion has been done on the basis of Industry Standards working across the globe thus defining oracle technical foundation in a way so that Oracle customers understand the skill sets which their team will be supporting in current as well as in the times to come.
Oracle Fusion Components
The following are high level definitions of key technical components of Oracle Fusion.
Oracle JDeveloper - This Integrated Development Environment is the base development platform used by Oracle developers to build Oracle Fusion applications. JDeveloper contains interfaces for development with J2EE, SQL, PL/SQL, HTML, Web Services, SOA, JSF, ADF, etc. This IDE should be looked at as a development environment for developing database and Internet applications.
Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) – J2EE is an industry standard for developing enterprise multi-tiered applications. J2EE is an architecture and framework for enterprise wide applications. J2EE applications include JSPs, JSFs, ADF Faces, EJBs, etc.
Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) – ADF is a J2EE development framework that is based upon best practice design patterns for building Web applications. ADF is based upon the Model-View-Controller that separates User Interface, Business and Data logic. J2EE frameworks can be complex and it can be difficult to determine how to organize different components. ADF helps organize J2EE components into a well organized Web application. ADF Faces provides a Web user interface similar to the Oracle Forms and Reports interfaces.
Top Link - Top Link is an Object Relational mapper that manages the communication between Java (object-oriented) applications and the Oracle database (relational).
XML - XML has become the universal language for transmitting data structures independent of the environment. J2EE, Web Services, SOA and BPEL use XML.
Web Services - Web (software) Services uses XML standards and transport
Communication protocols to exchange data between applications. Web services allow different types of applications to communicate. Web services are standards that define the semantics for how software communicates.
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) -SOA is an architecture that defines how loosely coupled software services communicate with each other. SOA increases reusability that allows different software services to identify and communicate with each other.
Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) – BPEL is a standard for organizing reusable web services into more than one type of process flow.
Identity Management - Identity Management provides enterprise management of user identities across resources inside and outside the firewall.
Single Sign-On (SSO) – SSO provides unified authentication allowing a user to logon once and SSO will manage single sign-on capability across applications.
Grid Control – Oracle Enterprise Manager provides administration across the database and all middle tiers. Grid Control provides monitoring of databases, application servers, web services and applications.
Below is the pictorial view of the Oracle Fusion Middleware which also gives pictorial description of terminology as well as concepts of Oracle Fusion.
Gains from Oracle Fusion
While viewing the technical part of Oracle fusion one point which we can overlook is the gain which this tool will give us in the market. Whatever tools comes in or goes out even during its initial stage of development one thing which is kept in the mind during its development and execution is the target it will achieve to be short
  • Is it really worth it to be launched?
  • Does market and customer need it?
  • Is it value for worth and will it achieve a good growth for a long period of time?
Well above are some of the main queries which is made standard before coming to a conclusion of any development to be taken place .Well, the benefit of Oracle fusion has already started being achieved which are Capacity for growth and change, Operating efficiencies and lower TCO, Better management of risk & compliance and Access to comprehensive, more timely information about people’s businesses, so they can make better decisions.
The on demand pathway to Fusion has the customers streamlining their business operations and adopting advanced technologies to gain competitive advantage in phases. As a trusted technology partner, Oracle Fusion is transforming the technology in lock step, supporting and enabling the business transformation at the customers’ pace.
Oracle Fusion tools are going to hide developers from a lot of the technical complexity behind Oracle Fusion. However, dependent upon the customizations made to Oracle Fusion applications, developers may need a strong understanding of the technical components of Oracle Fusion. There are three types of developers that need to learn the products in the Oracle Fusion Technology Platform:
Traditional Oracle Developers – Developers that have used Oracle Forms, Reports, Discoverer, PowerBuilder, Visual Basic, C/C++, etc. are going to need to learn the technologies supported in Internet development environments. Most Oracle developers are going to have to be knowledgeable with some or all of these technologies.
Traditional Oracle Apps Developers –Developers who has customized Oracle, Siebel, PeopleSoft, JD Edwards, Retek, and Stellent are not likely to hit the lottery jackpot, then learning the Oracle Fusion Technology Platform will give them an edge to hit the jackpot efficiently.
Internet Developers – Developers building Internet applications are likely to work with some or all of the products of Oracle Fusion. Internet developers may be working with Eclipse instead of JDeveloper, or Hybernate instead of Top Link or Web Sphere instead of the Oracle Application
Server. However the principles of Frameworks, ORMs, Design Patterns, J2EE, Managing Web Services, XML and SOA are still going to be technical areas that need to be understood. A consistent layout and look and feel is provided by Oracle. It is important to understand that components such as J2EE, Web Services, XML, SOA, etc are not just tied to Oracle. They are based on open standards. Skills in the technology are incredibly valuable in any Internet development environment. These open standard components are moving into your future like a freight train. They require skills that are going to be incredibly marketable and valuable in the future.

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