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Monday, June 30, 2014

What is Difference between E-R Modeling and Dimentional Modeling

  1. ER modeling the data is in normalised form. So more number of Joins, which may adversly affect the system performnace.Whereas in Dimensional Modelling the data is denormalised, so less number of joins, by which system performance will improve
  2. ER modeling: a view of data from data processing. OLTP
    MD modeling: a view of data from business porcessing.-- OLAP

Friday, June 6, 2014

AIM -- Normal practice we do

MD020 - Add on solution

 For each gap, a solution will be found. And each solution is recorded in this MD020 document. This will have a high level view of what the gap is and how it will be addressed in the customizations. Functional consultants will also prepare this.

MD050 - Functional design doc.
For each md020 there will be a MD050 doc..which is a functional design document. Its like an extension of the previous one with details like how the solution will be developed and all. which validations needs to be done and all.

MD070 - Technical design document
This is where you come into picture. you will be converting the functional doc to technical doc, like which API will be used, which tables will be used.. and all...based on this doc a developer will develop the code.

TE070 - Unit testing scripts and results. unit testing will be done by developer. you need to remember these terms and phases. in unit testing you will be testing components individually. like for instance in the interface development we tested the sqlloader scripts, table creation scripts, packages that call API's are tested seperately. the bugs that are found in this phase are fixed immediately then and there. The final results will be preserved and will be useful in future.

TE080 - Link test scripts and results
A separate testing team will do this. They will not look into the code but will be interested in input and out. This is like final testing. Any bugs found are notified to the development team for fixing.
AIM --

Project Deliverables I have used in my Implementation in sequential order
CR010 – Project Management Plan / Project Plan (WM020)
Overview Training
RD010 – Organization Structure
RD020 – Business Requirement Gathering
RD050 / BR030 – MAP Business Requirements
TA040 –Application Architecture Strategy
CRP Session I
BP080 – Future Business Model
BR010 – GAPAnalysis
CRP Session II
MD050 – Functional Design
MD070 –Technical Design
System IntegrationTesting
CV010 – Data conversion Strategy
CV060 – Data ConversionTemplates
PM010 –Transition Strategy
TE040 –Test Scripts
BR110 – Security Profiles (Roles and Responsibility Matrix)
UserAcceptanceTesting (UAT)
Cutover and Production Migration Plan
End UserTraining (End User Manual)
BR100 –Application Set up

useful XML publisher Report Syntaxes

useful XML publisher Report Syntaxes

Sub Templates:
This is Last Page
<?end template?>

After that you can type in header or footer section,

Last Page:
Take the any one of the insert field type in the following syntax,
Field name : Last page body
Status bar: <?start@last-page-first:body?><?end body?>
                   This is last page

Page Break:

Section Break:
<?for-each@section:G_CUSTOMER(This is group name)?>

In XML we have to write in,

Bar Code:


Conditional Formating:
<?if:ACCTD_AMT(This is column name)<1000?><xsl:attribute xdofo:ctx="block" or “incontext” name="font-weight">bold</xsl:attribute><?end if?>
Incontext means: column level
Block means: row level

Multi Layout:
FLAG  eloop

<?end when?>

opli invoicenum
FLAG  eloop

<?end when?>

oplpo PONUM
STATUS  eloop

<?end when?>

<?end choose?>

Running Total:
<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, 'RTotVar', xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, 'RTotVar') + ACCTD_AMT(This is column name) )?><?xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, 'RTotVar')?>

RTotVar means declare variable=0

Brought forward and carried Forward:

<xdofo: inline-total display-condition="exceptfirst" name="EntAmt"(This is column name)>Brought Forward: <xdofo:show-brought-forward name="EntAmt" (This is column name)format="99G999G999D00"/></xdofo:inline-total>

<xdofo:inline-total display-condition="exceptfirst" name="EntAmt"(This is column name)><xdofo:show-brought-forward name="AcctAmt" (This is column name)format="99G999G999D00"/></xdofo:inline-total>
<xdofo:inline-total display-condition="exceptlast" name="EntAmt"(This is column name)
>Carried Forward:   <xdofo:show-carry-forward name="EntAmt" (This is column name)
<xdofo:inline-total display-condition="exceptlast" name="AcctAmt"(This is column name)
><xdofo:show-carry-forward name="AcctAmt" (This is column name)

<?show-page-total:EntAmt(This is column name)

<?show-page-total:AcctAmt(This is column name)

Page Total:
<?show-page-total:pt(This is parameter);'#,##0.00'?>

Repeating Headre:

for-each@section G_CUSTOMER

for-each G_CURRENCY

Trx Number
Trx Date
Trx Amount
Trx Amount Remaining

end for-each
end for-each