OBIEE & Siebel Analytics Interview Topics :
1: Architecture ( Infrastructure & Applications)
2: Components ( BI Server, Delivers Server, BI Web, BI Cluster, Open Intelligence Interface )
3: Caching ( Query , Web Server, Seed Cache, Siebel Analytic Server Cache))
4: SA Metadata Administration (Physical Layer, Logical Layer,Presentation Layer )
5: Build, Deploy and Generating Requests (Answers, Interactive Dashboards, Delivers, Web Catalog
6: Informatica Mapping Tables
7: Integration of OBIEE with siebel CRM applications
8: Marketing Segmentation ( segment, Segment tree,List Catalog, List Import,Target Levels and Target List)
9: SQL Joins: INNER JOINs, OUTER JOINs, CROSS JOINs. OUTER JOINs are further classified as
10: How to view more than 10000 records in Siebel Analytics web in a Table or Pivot table Views.
11: Bridge Table ( many to Many Relationship in dimension.) Implemenation in Siebel Analytics
12: Objetcs can be Imported in Physical Layer( tables, views, Aliases, synonyms, system Tables, Keys, Fk Keys)
13: Dimension Hierarchy ( Drill Key and Level Key, Prefered drill Path)
14: Business Model Complex Joins (Place holder) and hardcode foriegn key
15: Physical model Connection Pool (shared Logon and Maximum connections and FIFO)
16: Shared logon in Physical layer of the RPD how it works and whats the use of it
17: Global Prompt and Filters, Filter( is Prompted) in SA 7.5.3
18: Dashboard Objects ( content, reports,section, Page , Dashboard and Folder)
19: Admin page ( Sessions, Priviliges, Analytics Catalog, Web Groups and uses)
20: Performacne Tunining in Siebel Analytics ( hints and Nl,)
21: Event Polling ( how event polling is done and also Purging)
22: SDE and SIL Mappings ( Siebel data warehouse ETL, SRMW)
23: Slowly changing Dimension ( type1, Type2, type3)
24: Assocative Entity ( Data Modelling)
25: truncate and Delete ( Auto commit on truncate)
26: Types of indexed (In Oracle ( B* , B tree, clustered)
27: Explain Plan and TK Prof ( Tunning)
29: Aggreagte Navigation, Fragmentation, Intialization Blocks and Variables ()
30: Star and Snow flake Schema
31: SRMW Tables (Fact tables ,Dim Tables, mini Dim Tables, Subset dim Tables,
32: Circular Join, Factless Fact
33: Life cycle DWH
34: Views ( Narrative, Static, View Selector, Compound layout, charts and other Views)
35: Difference between Table and why Pivot Table View ?
36: SRMW Siebel Data Warehouse (W_PARAM_G needs to be populated always for any ETL run or all the SIL mappings will fail.
37: Aliases in siebel Analytics Physical Layer
38: Creation of Reports, Prompts and filters
39: Advantages and Disadvantages of using SQl in Physical Layer
40: XLs Sheet imported in Physical Layer and its use
41: Online and Offline mode in Repository
42: Navigation in SA if column is selected from two same sources in the Logical Layer
43: View and synonym where to use which scenarios in the Physical layer of the RPD
44: Triggers in Oracle
45: Can CASE statements used in Physical and Logical Layer ( IF Case and Switch CASE)
46: Groups and Web Groups, Groubs thats created in WEb will it visible in RPD
47: Customization of Login Page ( style sheets and XML Files)
48: use of a web server in Siebel analytics
49: Full and incremental Load in SA ETL
50: DB Growth and size of the Database after ETL
51: Mapping of new aggregate Table in the Business Layer
52: How to have a new column in siebel naswers if the column is not avalible in Metadata
53: DAC and ETL
54: Informatica, siebel Applications Configuration and Siebel Tools
55: Multiuser check out & Administration of RPDS.
56: OBIEE Security & Single Sign on
57: Visiblity Model in Siebel & OBIEE Analytics
58: function of Connection Pool in the physical layer
59: Different user authentication methods available in Siebel Analytic s
60: SA column selector whats it it and how it can be used
61: Servers installed after ur Installation of siebel Analytics
62: Action Links in siebel application
63: Siebe delivers Automatic population of Devices and profiles for users
64: System session and Variables in the Repository
65: Security Levels in siebel Analytics
66: OLAP and OLTP
67: star and snow flake schema. where snow flaks can be used and which uses what schema (OLAP and OLTP)
68: Image Prompt and column Prompt in siebel answers
69: How a logical request works in Siebel Analytics
70: Performance issues applied in the siebel Analytics
71: Siebel analytics clustering how fail over recognises the other server
72: properties of connection pool, multiple connection pools to the same Database
73: Narrative View and Styles applied to charts and different view avalible in analytics
74: Upgrade of a old web cat to a new Web cat After the new installation of OBIEE
75: Disconnected Who uses it and steps in configuring Disconnected application
76: How to Bypass the Repository Authenication
78: Corelated sub query, Derived Tables
79: Normalization and five normal forms
80: What is the primary key, foreign key, alternate key, composite key and candiate key
81: Bringing data at run time from other database
83: Meta data ( do we actually have database or is data stored in meta data
84: which triggers the ETL and how data is refreshed
85: How is the Event polling and purging done
86: Addding a New dimension to the Existing DataMart
87: Is Data model changed in Newer version of siebel analytics ( why and what measures needs to be taken while upgrading)
88: Ibot fails and ggives odbc error in Production how to prevent the error in delivering to the recipent
89: How to Create the report and what are the standards followed to do the same
90. Hierarchy of the Siebel Analytics Web components
91: How comfortable in Siebel tools to get the understanding of the Tables and joins
92: Data Modelling Fundamentals and Concepts Different Types of Data modelling (Physical & dimensional)
93: Different utilities in Siebel Analytics(Admin tool,odbc client & catalog)
94: Joins & Keys(in analytics Layers ie. Phy & Bus) , creation of Aggregation Tables(Hirearchy,summary,sources)
95: Different stages of working in analytics Repository(12)
96: Datawarehouse Basics & ETL
ETL (A,b,c into x (a,b,c ->different Data sources) how ot achieve by writing oracle procedure
97: Visiblity Model in Siebel Analytics
98: Advanced Formatting in analyitcs(Conditional Fomating of Reports)
99: Physical SQL, NQQuery Log, NQS Config. INI, Cluster Config
100: Integrated ,stand alone Analytics Difference.
101: Relationship between saved objects in Analytics Web Catalog and Repository
102: Configurable NQSConfig.ini file parameters which affect disk space
103: Setting INTERRUPT_ENABLED parameter for Analytics Server using DB2 as a source
104: Displaying Multiple Time Periods in a Single Report
105: PopChart image server functionality in Siebel Analytics version 7.5.x
106: How to set up LDAP Security within Siebel Analytics Repository
107: When are Subject Areas and View Privileges visible in the Admin > Manage Privileges link?
108: How can users move the "My Accounts" Link to the "My Dashboard" screen?
109: What are the standard/best practice rules to build a hierarchy?
110: How can users check the status of an iBot?
111: How to set-up multiple analytics repository access in Windows OS installs
112: How should usage tracking information be loaded into Siebel Analytics 7.5.x?
113: Can the Siebel Analytics Platform be upgraded without upgrading the Siebel application repository?
114: What is guided navigation, custom page layout, & system message
115: How do we add/control a system message, explain the steps in detail
116: What are alerts How do we schedule alerts
117: why is the 'number of elements at a level' required for dimension
118: Log level in Production, Locale
119: bumping log files in prodcution and how to debug the issue in prodcution when log level set to 0 and how to get the query in the log file
120: DAC system Properties design, setup and configure, indices and tasks and sessions defn in the dac
121: etl configure dw_rep tables create and drop dac repository, informatica Repository Tables
122: OBIEE briefing books and xml publisher
123: ETL takes more time to complete how to debug and what approach to resolve the same
124: session log, mapping, workflow, configuration settigns of informatica
125: Roll back segment error, snapshot too old error
126: Performance tuning, Conformed dimensions
127: change capture Process in ETL, Pruene Days
128: Design the report from scratch ( Data Model)
129: Level Based Measure, Grain in a fact Table
130: Architecural Difference between OBIEE & Siebel analytics